HopeNeon, based in Bristol, UK, creates original neon art for homes, restaurants, clubs and businesses.

We will discuss your preferences and create your individual neon sculpture to bring a Wow! factor to your interior.
Changes of colour, variations in background or additions will ensure your HopeNeon is original, valuable and a good investment,
as well as being a stunning piece of
art that is much admired.

Neon Drips
This striking neon artwork is 9 feet high and required considerable skill to make a work of such size. Like many architectural challenges, the site inspired the design.
The Right Time is Now...
The preoccupation with the passing of time has long been a theme of poets and playwrights.

Lalique Girl
This work was inspired by Rene’ Lalique,
who was a master glassmaker and a jeweller. He became one of the greatest names of the Art Deco period.
Unlock your Mind
Rusty keys, locks and bolts, speak of restraint and repression but could also represent freedom and escape from our problems. Perhaps we can free ourselves from entrenched views or unconscious bias and embrace new ways of thinking?

Dancer 2
Like Dancer 1, this beautiful neon dancer was inspired by my sketch of a model, as she changed her pose constantly.
Dancer 1
The sketch was made observing a moving model as the dancer’s poses changed continuously. These simple lines describe her grace and form.

This work draws on nostalgia, invoking memories of playthings that adults may have forgotten and the enjoyment they once had from them.


Wendy Hope
Wendy spent her first career bringing creativity to schools, as a teacher and head teacher.
She was awarded the Artsmark Gold Award by the Arts Council before moving on to develop her work as an artist and writer.
Rob Sprackman
Project Coordinator
Rob has developed his family business as a successful neon sign maker and collaborates with Wendy to design and make original neon artworks for sale to homes and businesses.
Together they bring a WOW! to interiors, staircase walls and foyers that will make your office, business or home very special.

For enquiries, viewing, sales or commission requests, please contact enquiries@hopeneon.com